Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Yeah, I know thousands of people blogged about it before me, but it took me a while to decide whether or not to comment on this. Now I will.
Okay, I've gotten either two reactions to the movie version of Twilight: it was terrible, or it was just slightly disappointing. I think too many people had way too high expectations for Hollywood doing this. Honestly, remember Harry Potter? That was great until it hit the silver screen. It's a good movie series, but nothing can really compare to the text originals. So when Shelby and I went to see the midnight show for Twilight last Thursday, I expected it to suck, like a good movie-goer. Left the theatre not only pleased, but surprised. People, if you walk into a movie expecting it to bomb, there's a good chance you'll be pleasantly surprised. Unless you saw Babylon A.D. or Max Payne. Cut the movie and cast some slack, they're just human.
It was funny, way funnier than the book. And, I'll admit, at first I was disappointed in the casting, but once you actually go watch them in action, they did great. It doesn't matter how the actors look, what matters is if you can see the characters in their words and their actions. Ladies, no man on earth could ever compare to the Edward in our minds, but Robert Pattinson filled the spot well. And Edward (as did all of the other characters) looks different in everyone's minds. My Edward might have shorter hair than yours, or better teeth. Robert rocked it, as did the rest of the cast.
I only had one problem with one part, and I wish the Cullens were in it more. I was surprised that Jacob was in it as much as he was. I thought he might show up once and not show up until New Moon, but I don't mind. All I'm saying is, it's a good movie, a great one. People just expected too much out of it. Not every movie follows the book it's based on, and just because Twilight is an amazing book series doesn't mean it's movie counterpart has more right to follow the book than Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or any other series. I definitely want to see it again, and I'm going to buy it when it comes out. And, although my heart will have problems during it, I will go see the second movie.

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