Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Twilight Saga Eclipse

Of course, the night before the official release, I went to see the new Twilight movie. Normally, I have at least one gal pal to go with me to the midnight screening so we can squeal together, but this time I had to fly solo since no one else wanted to wait in line fore 3 hours just to get decent seats. Bummer. I felt like an even bigger geek because I drove to the theatre 5 hours early just to see if the line was bad already. Luckily for me, my momentary geekiness paid off. Let me tell you how.
I got there around 7 pm and decided to stay there instead of going home or something. I saw they were having a blood drive, so I got in line to pass away the time. It was awesome to see a blood drive at a vampire movie, especially because there were two buses, one for Team Edward and the other for Team Jacob. Nice idea, Carter Blood Care. Anyway, while I was waiting in line, a lady from our local radio station came out and offered free tickets to see an even earlier screening of Eclipse at 8. Of course, I jumped for a ticket, but no one else did! Fools. I went inside, got in the theatre, and tied down a seat. When they closed the doors for the movie, we still had room! I guess not many people showed up early. There goes my geekiness talking.
Okay, time for the movie. It was pretty good, in my opinion. Kristen Stewart did a better job at portraying Bella; she actually had a personality this time and wasn't panting all over the place. RPtaz could've done a better job, but oh well. I wasn't watching for him anyway. I'm officially a Team Jasper girl! Jasper was HOT, way hot, in this movie! He had a lot more screen time this time around, so we can bask in his prettiness longer. Riley, Victoria's new beau, was surprisingly cute as well, but better as a human; apparently immortality doesn't work for everyone. The new girl who plays Victoria also does a good job! I'm kind of sad that we only get to see her in this one movie. Well, if you read the book, you know what happens, so I'm not going to get into the plot.
Overall, very good experience. I think anyone who sees the movie will be pleasantly surprised at a better Bella and will enjoy the movie.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Grr, NXT...

Well, my life has been topsy-turvy since WWE Raw had their viewer's choice night. These NXT rookies are going to give me emotional problems. I may be knocking on Prozac's door before the end of this.
So they keep attacking people, especially John Cena, and then claim they have a problem with WWE management and it's "nothing personal" to anyone else. Yeah, sure, I'll believe that when someone reveals that Hitler had a soul. Apparently, the anti-christ himself-, I mean, Vince McMahon, has played a part in their foolishness. Well, karma sucks, doesn't it, old man? The rookies knocked the mess out of him last night. Btw, good luck to John Cena when it comes to reclaiming his WWE Championship. You'll get it back soon, but hopefully you'll take out those vagabonds first. Randy, your revenge is near, and I'll be cheering in delight when you deliver it.
In non-wrestling news, Ben Barnes somehow defied the laws of hotness and got even sexier. He's a a walking science disprover. He even grew some facial hair and it's only increased his hot-guy powers. Talk about superhuman. Don't believe me? Watch the new Chronicles of Narnia trailer. Although I've decided that even with it's talking animals, Narnia could never beat Hogwarts in magicalness, I will watch it just to see Mr. Barnes. Oh, and they took away his Mediterranean accent. So, fail.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

WWE's first Viewer's Choice

Last night's Raw/Smackdown mashup was a Viewer's Choice and one of the most amazing shows I've seen on tv. Thank you, Ashton Kutcher, for coming up with the idea! All the matches and stipulations were decided by the fans, who voted on wwe.com. Of course, I participated, and I loved it! They should do this more often.
Big Show fought Chris Jericho in a Body Slam Challenge. Since Big Show is bigger than Jupiter, he won, to nobody but Chris Jericho's surprise.
The Great Kahli and Hornswaggle (a giant and a midget) were voted to compete for the United Tag Team Championship against the Hart Dynasty. Unfortunately, they lost :(.
The Divas had a battle royale, which had some great elimations, but Maryse wound up being the victor. Thankfully, no one really cares about the Divas unless they're fighting in a pool of pie filling or soap, so the match didn't really count.
KANE VS. SHEAMUS!! I've been waiting for Sheamus a.k.a. Pasty the Irish Ghost to get a beatdown for months, and my boy Kane delivered! Kane unleashed his fury about his half-brother's, the Undertaker, mystery attacker on Sheamus, who he previously accused of the cowardly attack. I dislike Sheamus, but I don't think he'd hide doing something like that; he likes to make a spectacle of things. And am I the only one who thinks Pasty lost weight? He looks slimmer.
Unfortunately, The Miz and Zack Ryder defeated R-Truth and John Morrison. I was disappointed that that happened, but WOAH!! John Morrison returns to television from a break due to an injury looking hotter than ever! Luckily, this time his abs, awesome outfit, gorgeous hair, and ankles made it unscathed.
The Randy vs. Edge match ticked me off. Since Randy was in a sling, the general managers made it fair by tying one of Edge's arms behind his back. Randy came out strong, but Edge untied his arm and abused him. One day, I'll put a hit on Edge. What comforts me about this is that as soon as Randy heals up, Edge is going to get destroyed.
Yay! Matt Hardy beat that irritating, wannabe Viking Drew McIntyre! Ripped his hair out too! Revenge is sweet, eh Hardy?
Then the final match, John vs. wannabe Jesus- I mean, CM Punk. John, of course, won. Then the rookies from WWE's reality show, NXT, came out and destroyed John Cena, the announcers, and the ring. It was like rape and pillage and horrible to watch. It was so disturbing I can't describe it. Personally, I think they took out Undertaker to make a name for themselves and continued their campaign on John. After all, barely anyone can take out Undertaker in a fair fight and John Cena's the face of the company. How else do you get attention than by doing this? Hopefully we'll get answers tonight on NXT season 2 premiere.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Watch this baby eat a pop rock for the first time.

In other news, Brandon had his awards ceremony last night and took home 5 awards!! He made commended in3 out of 4 of his TAKS tests and got medals for them. He also got a president's award for his high greades. Way to go, Brandon!!