Sunday, December 26, 2010


The majority of 2010 has been pretty sucky, but Christmas for than made up for it with its epic win. I got to see a lot of my family and got a lot of amazing gifts, even though none of them were on the list. Right now I'm on my new laptop at my dad's house, watching The John Cena Experience with Brandon while Daddy sleeps on the couch with Ender on his stomach.
I got a ton of lamps for Christmas this year. Some of them will endanger me psychologically at night -Spartacus! Get OFF the laptop!- but I'll be using them, especially when I have company over. Socrates and Plato (my mind hamsters) have physically manifested in the form of Zhu Zhu pets. They'll probably battle it out with Desiree's whenever we're out of the house. I got three calenders, beautiful jewelry, and tons of wolfy stuff (earrings, charm bracelet, figurines, etc.). Very good haul, in my opinion.
I'm excited about being on vacation for a while. I'll probably get a lot of writing done and now that I have the laptop, I can keep up with typing the stories out too. It's nice to get away every once in a while to clear my head and de-stress a bit.
Well, going to watch more Criminal Minds now. I hope everyone had a good holiday as well!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

A LAPTOP!! WOW! I've always wanted one!!!! Sorry we didn't get to see you for the holidays! :)