Monday, January 10, 2011


Because it's so cold, I originally decided not to worry about hardcore working out until around March, but Brandon's Just Dance 2 game for the Wii kind of shattered my plans. I've playing around on it lately and not only is it crazy fun, it's a bit of a workout! It tricks you by having dances to these great songs and makes you think "Ooh! I have to do this one and this one and...." but three songs later you're panting, sweating a bit, and having the argument between your tired body that wants to take a break and the child in you that's screaming "Aah! It has Pussycat Dolls too! Let's do one more!" I figure that I'll probably keep doing this during the day and when March rolls around I'll include the kick-boxing DVD too. I'm gonna look good after all this work hopefully. People complain that videogames encourage obesity and discourages exercising, but then companies bust out with stuff like this that is addicting and healthy. Maybe instead of sitting on the computer and complaining about it, they could pick up a Wii controller and burn some calories with the rest of us :).

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